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 Onew Updates Twitter [121019]

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$Jonghyun's Baby$

Juste$Jonghyun's Baby$
Pranešimų skaičius : 7812
Join date : 2010-10-03
Age : 33

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RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Onew Updates Twitter [121019]    Onew Updates Twitter [121019]   Icon_minitimePir. 10 22, 2012 12:15 am

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Onew twitter update @ 6.10pmkst 121019 -

Contest…is it

t/n: apparently there’s a 2012 Anipang Celebrities Championship so i think he was thinking about it LOL

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Trans : As expected!
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Onew Updates Twitter [121019]

Rodyti ankstesnę temą Rodyti sekančią temą Atgal į viršų 

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