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 Jonghyun UFO Replies [120825]

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$Jonghyun's Baby$

Juste$Jonghyun's Baby$
Pranešimų skaičius : 7812
Join date : 2010-10-03
Age : 33

Jonghyun UFO Replies [120825]   Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Jonghyun UFO Replies [120825]    Jonghyun UFO Replies [120825]   Icon_minitimeAntr. 08 28, 2012 5:11 pm

[Fan] Hello, I’m a fan of SHINee who lives in New Yolk!
[Jonghyun] Yolk


[Fan] What are you doing not sleeping at this hour? Are you thinking about me~?
[Jonghyun] Not thinking about you.
Source: 밍쯔. @ SHINee DC Gallery


[Fan] –unknown-

[Jonghyun] Sleep well. I love you.

Source: ㅈㅎㅇㅅㄹㅎ @ SHINee DC Gallery


[Fan] Wah wah. Hey, Jonghyun. Let’s ask Kibum if we can borrow aroma candles so we can sleep well

[Jonghyun] don’t wanna

[Fan] Hey, Jonghyun. I can’t sleep either. Let’s ask Kibum if we can borrow aroma candles so we can sleep well

[Jonghyun] gonna start a fire no no

[Fan] Jonghyun, If you don’t like aroma candles, let’s wash up in warm water and drink warm water and go to sleep.

[Jonghyun] I already washed up

[Fan] It’d be better to wait to fall asleep keke

[Jonghyun] keke I can’t

[Fan] Then exercise so you can get tired. Like push-ups or sit-ups or something.

[Jonghyun] I already exercised

[Fan] TT I hope you can sleep soon

[Jonghyun] Let’s sleep

[Fan] Jonghyun is so kind so I can see that he wants to reply to all the UFOs

[Jonghyun] I want to do them all but it’s impossible T-T

Source: 440kcal @ SHINee DC Gallery


[Fan] Because of you, many have been touched and felt hope in their lives. Thank you and I’ll always love you.

[Jonghyun] It’s what I should do.

[Fan] I really like you guys

[Fan] Do my feelings reach all the way there? Hey Jinki, Taemin, Jonghyun, Minho, kibum.

[Fan] I really love you a lot. I’m always cheering you on. I want to give you my heart. I want to give you my love.

[Fan] Thanks

[Jonghyun] me too

Source: 밤이눈 @ SHINee DC Gallery


[Fan] I love you tomorrow as well. I love you the day after as well. I love you the day after tomorrow as well. I love you forever.
[Jonghyun] thanks
Source: 나랑드 @ SHINee DC Gallery


[Fan] –unknown-
[Jonghyun] Hehe you sleep well too. Don’t be sick.

[Fan] If you reply to me, I won’t eat you
[Jonghyun] Eat me

[Fan] –unknown-
[Jonghyun] hwaidd (T/N: He mistyped hwaidding/hwaiting.)
Source: ㅇㅇ@ SHINee DC Gallery

[Fan] I miss you
[Jonghyun] me too

[Fan] can you help me sleep
[Jonghyun] pat pat
Source: @lovely_0408


[Fan]Why is it that I always get nervous even though I’ve seen you for 5 years? Why do I like you more and more TTTT? Is it a sickness TTTT?
[Jonghyun] Jonghyun sickness
Source: Nabbayo.com


[Fan] 휴ㅅ휴 crying Jonhyon kㅎ hiding behind a wall Jonhyon ♥️♥️ falling for me after seeing me Jonhyon
[Jonghyun] random continuous typos
Source: * @ SHINee DC Gallery


[Fan] –unknown-
[Jonghyun] Raining Apgujeong (T/N: Song by Brown Eyes)
Source: 청담동grbgz @ SHINee DC Gallery


[Fan] Thanks for always promoting with a good image. I can keep anticipating, right?
[Jonghyun] thanks
Source: 핡힐ㄹ @ SHINee DC Gallery


[Fan] Looking for a Jonghyun that will sing me a lullaby@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
[Jonghyun] No no there is no such Jonghyun
Source: ㄲㄲㄲ @ SHINee DC Gallery


[Fan] -unknown-
[Jonghyun] Cry out loud once. Look at the mirror & shake it off. I’ve cried like that before & others will have times like that too. Cheer up. You’re not alone.
Source: 닝닝구급차 @ SHINee DC Gallery


[Fan] Oppa hehe play with me~~!!

[Jonghyun] what do we do

[Fan] What do you mean what~ I’m UFOing so I can play with you hehe reply to me over!

[Jonghyun] ok!

[Fan] Shwiiiiiiiii………………………….. You will need to pee

[Fan] Who…. said to use such cute words….?

[Fan] Shwiiiiiiiii………………………….. You will need to pee

[Jonghyun] Shwiii…… You will need to pee…. Pee is a harmful word so you’ll be spammed

[Jonghyun] Shwiii…… You will need to pee…. Pee is a harmful word so you’ll be spammed

[Jonghyun] Shwiii…… You will need to pee…. Pee is a harmful word so you’ll be spammed

[Jonghyun] Shwiii…… You will need to pee…. Pee is a harmful word so you’ll be spammed

[Jonghyun] Shwiii…… You will need to pee…. Pee is a harmful word so you’ll be spammed

[Jonghyun] Shwiii…… You will need to pee…. Pee is a harmful word so you’ll be spammed

[Jonghyun] Shwiii…… You will need to pee…. Pee is a harmful word so you’ll be spammed

(T/N: Shwiii is… the sound of peeing… and he send it 7 times.)

Source: 엣취※ @ SHINee DC Gallery

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Jonghyun UFO Replies [120825]

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