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 SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528]

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Yori^^ 凸(¬‿¬)凸
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Join date : 2010-09-07
Age : 112

SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528]   SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Icon_minitimeŠt. 05 28, 2011 11:24 pm

SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwub2U4hE1qdmk7i
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwuchVQQA1qdmk7i
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwubsEckT1qdmk7i
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwug6Q73J1qdmk7i
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwuihzsJz1qdmk7i
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwui1ac6A1qeapkdo1_500
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwssfoP5k1qaz38uo1_500
šukuosena XDD
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwsr7Uwse1qbvbwg
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwsdhNoRO1qhx6o2
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwsdweuPW1qhx6o2
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwsh19fqR1qhx6o2
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwshdNH3g1qhx6o2
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwsmkWnDf1qhx6o2
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwsohmqmV1qhx6o2
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwrx0Eiqf1qfyyh0o1_500
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwrxz2x3z1qb5rxfo1_500
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwrvuXpqA1qa5abdo1_500
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwroogw9j1qb75ypo1_500
Onew :DD
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwralpAYp1qiptm3o1_500
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwr2lpKci1qb75ypo1_500
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwqvgHBRD1qbltuso1_500
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwqqrLISc1qeapkdo1_500
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwqnva0e41qbltuso1_500
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwporKJG71qcl8qx
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llw1nmXHfu1qcl8qx
nu negalėjau neįdėt :DD
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llw51jDIec1qcl8qx
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwbv0xvOf1qcl8qx
omg O__O :D
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwqbajgHD1qbltuso1_500
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwpjjAfPo1qbbkwio1_500
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llwp9288Br1qbbkwio1_500

whew.. dėl šito tai jau teko padirbėt :D
tiek daug fotkių radau O_O bet visų nekėliau aišku.

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Join date : 2010-10-16

SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528]   SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Icon_minitimePir. 05 30, 2011 9:59 pm

Viskas būtų gerai,bet tik ne key plaukai. ;DD
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SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528]   SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Icon_minitimePir. 05 30, 2011 10:27 pm

viskas gerai su jo plaukais, labai gražu ;D
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Pranešimų skaičius : 791
Join date : 2010-10-16

SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528]   SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Icon_minitimePir. 05 30, 2011 10:30 pm

Kaip kam, man tai kažkaip nelabai, bet dėl skonio nesiginčijama. ;DD
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$Jonghyun's Baby$

Juste$Jonghyun's Baby$
Pranešimų skaičius : 7812
Join date : 2010-10-03
Age : 33

SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528]   SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Icon_minitimeAntr. 05 31, 2011 12:34 am

aš dar turiu neblogų, stengsiuos nesikartot ir įdomesnių įdėt

SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1102A1394DE11FA013763DSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 127D874C4DE1D35A3467E7SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 137D874C4DE1D35933E874SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 14459C424DE0B30718C36BSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1752133C4DE0CBC11F5C41SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1306599496_DSC_113920copySHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] IMGP4905SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] IMGP4951SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 20157E484DE0DD5F213570SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1549EB4D4DE0DBF9332C70SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1249EB4D4DE0DBC32D1E15 raumenyyy :DD niom.

SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1649EB4D4DE0DB7524FCB9SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1949EB4D4DE0DB6D23D5A2SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1749EB4D4DE0DB9D280A83SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1449EB4D4DE0DB4D20D182SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 13157E484DE0DD7C259CA1SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 18157E484DE0DD752450ECSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 13157E484DE0DD6F23FA70SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 15157E484DE0DD582018BCSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 18157E484DE0DD2A1B9395SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 11157E484DE0DD0F18B4E7SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 15157E484DE0DD07178FFCSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 15157E484DE0DCEE1317BB

mane juokas vis paima kai minho nuolat flamina :DDD

credit to the source and weareshining

SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 116A7B4F4DE147D21B16B4-1SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 172BFE4C4DE147681D7F84-1SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1632D54B4DE146B91EA7E5SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 11154D504DE1467518DF9C-1SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1432804B4DE147F8219EA0SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1873254E4DE1463D179056SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 172016494DE147152152D3-1SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 112D1C4C4DE14912230C96-1SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 162D1C4C4DE14909220186-1SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1413EC344DE14CF32886E4-1SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1613EC344DE14CDB274863SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1713EC344DE14CBF269953SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 130347334DE14C131D6D77SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 170347334DE14BF81CCE54-1SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 127A41504DE1DC022DE66ESHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 187A41504DE1DBFC2888BDSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 167A41504DE1DBFB272575SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 165507414DE1278D577D38SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 125507414DE1278855202DSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 125507414DE12781523BC3SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1614513D4DE128C60FA7EASHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1114513D4DE128C20E6700SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1914513D4DE128BF0DCB8ASHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1860A3504DE209D42619AESHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 115507414DE127945AD4BBSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1273914E4DE14615158B82SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 195FDF5A4DE0E17131CB3ASHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 120665374DE0CBD52780D5

mano ctrl dega.
dar pildysiu,nepabėkit.
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$Jonghyun's Baby$

Juste$Jonghyun's Baby$
Pranešimų skaičius : 7812
Join date : 2010-10-03
Age : 33

SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528]   SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Icon_minitimeAntr. 05 31, 2011 12:53 am

SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1824DD4D4DE1E54517A1ECSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1624DD4D4DE1E544169F55SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1424DD4D4DE1E54315A189SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1124DD4D4DE1E5411460A8SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1924DD4D4DE1E540130252SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1824DD4D4DE1E53E123A32SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1724DD4D4DE1E53E112CE5SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1324DD4D4DE1E53A0F7B86SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] IMGP4976SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] IMGP4974SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] IMGP4785SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] IMGP5037SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] IMGP5038SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] IMGP4774SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] IMGP4754SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] IMGP4769SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 114706364DE0CBD707CFF2SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1752233C4DE0CBB21E2E25SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 124D7A3C4DE0CBB0216EB8SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1546FF364DE0CBAA07F6CFSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 17219E364DE0CBA836585DSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1306599396_DSC_111320copySHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1306599396_DSC_088720copySHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1306602724_DSCF1058_convjpgSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1306602724_DSCF1048_convjpgSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1306602724_DSCF1047_convjpgSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1306602724_DSCF1043_convjpgSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1306602724_DSCF1037_convjpgSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1306602724_DSCF1036_convjpgSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1306602724_DSCF1034_convjpgSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1306602724_DSCF1033_convjpgSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1306618024_djSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 144841444DE122CE2B41CDSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 124841444DE122CD2A197ASHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 124841444DE122CB293CC9SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1617FA374DE1F10533537BSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 2017FA374DE1F0FF2DD18FSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1817FA374DE1F0FE2C6E54SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 197E22374DE0CBD637033ESHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 193A67364DE0CBA018F971SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1905C34B4DE1249F1A6475SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1306599285_ECA784EAB8B0SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1306599396_DSC_107920copySHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1306618024_doSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 16721D504DE1A03D335A27SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 144194574DE1C3041FBEA6SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 204194574DE1C3021D0261SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1969224B4DE0A4B22EBA8CSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1949BC3C4DE0CBC4300678SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1306648299_IMG_6699SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 1530BB364DE21BDC03170F

credit to the source and weareshining

SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llw7pdwAIR1qcl8qxSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llw7pihlMP1qcl8qxSHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Tumblr_llw51xw4fs1qcl8qx

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Pranešimų skaičius : 899
Join date : 2010-12-10
Age : 29
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SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528]   SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Icon_minitimeTr. 06 01, 2011 1:56 am

Radau kelias gražias nuotraukas, bet drabužiai viską sugadino. Kas čia per havajiečių forsų stilius >_<.
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Yori^^ 凸(¬‿¬)凸
Pranešimų skaičius : 5948
Join date : 2010-09-07
Age : 112

SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528]   SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Icon_minitimeTr. 06 01, 2011 2:17 am

SHINee yra unikali grupė. Unikaliai grupėj unikalus stilius :DDDDDD
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Pranešimų skaičius : 899
Join date : 2010-12-10
Age : 29
Miestas : Kaunas

SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528]   SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Icon_minitimeTr. 06 01, 2011 2:23 am

Tiksliau, kiekvieno stilisto unikali vaizduotė :D. Arba... ką nučiups bazėj stilistas, tuo ir aprengs SHINus :D
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Age : 29
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SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528]   SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Icon_minitimePen. 07 08, 2011 11:45 pm

SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 130875293811052813
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 13087529381105283
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 13087529381105284
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 13087529381105285
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 13087529381105286
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 13087529381105288
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 13087529381105289
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 130875293811052810
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 130875293811052811
SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] 130875293811052812

Credits: With Onew

For Onew lovers~
Atgal į viršų Go down
Pranešimų skaičius : 2439
Join date : 2010-10-13
Age : 29
Miestas : Vilnius

SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528]   SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Icon_minitimeŠt. 07 09, 2011 3:07 pm

šitoj photo pamačius Tae veido išraišką pati pirma mintis buvo "Damn Minho. Not again." : DD
Atgal į viršų Go down
Pranešimų skaičius : 988
Join date : 2011-03-18
Age : 30
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SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528]   SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Icon_minitimeSk. 07 10, 2011 3:31 am

Mano akys dega O.O Matyt vėl užsižiūrėjau ir pamiršau mirksėt... :D
Bet tai koks Tae čia O.O Toks gerai turintis raumeny... O anksčiau toks kūdas buvo ;DD Ir dar tos ciepos ant Onew, Minho ir Key kaklų O.O Taigi jie tiek šoka, o ką jei į dantis atsitrenktų??? O.O Nors ir šiaip tokios grandinės skaudžiai ant kaklo trankytis turėtų... Nebent plastmasinės, bet labai abejoju, kad jie plastmasę nešiotų... o.O
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SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528]   SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528] Icon_minitime

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SHINee @Walk for the 4th Forbidden Love [110528]

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