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 Jonghyun twitter update [120819]

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$Jonghyun's Baby$

Juste$Jonghyun's Baby$
Pranešimų skaičius : 7811
Join date : 2010-10-03
Age : 33

Jonghyun twitter update [120819] Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Jonghyun twitter update [120819]   Jonghyun twitter update [120819] Icon_minitimePir. 08 20, 2012 6:22 pm

Jonghyun twitter update [120819] Tumblr_m8yp77U4qc1qcl8qx
What is needed has been done I just wish to thanks those who see me before although we have different perception on things we wanted slowly there isn’t different feelings As long as i’m still standing on the stage, till then, those who have seen me no matter when the appreciative feeling towards you will never change. Compare to where you once contact (met) this point is the most important

Jonghyun twitter update [120819] Tumblr_m8ypdlJoGU1qcl8qx
Today had a lot of contact with a lot a lot of people no matter what they think about my performance like it or don’t like it being able to enjoy this concert together with me am really thankful It’s because there’re people watching, then it can be counted as an amazing stage…the feeling is like going back to emotional second grade in junior high period.. Haha! Thank you all for today, I’m really happy!^^
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Jonghyun twitter update [120819]

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